Thursday, June 16, 2011

Hudson's Quilt Guild Challenge

Our local quilt guild held its first challenge competition this past year. In September 2010 each participant was given a packet of the same 4 fat quarters to which we were allowed to add 2 more fat quarters of our choice. We could create anything with the fabrics as long the perimeter did not exceed 250 inches and we had until May to do it.

Brigitte, owner of the Quilt Chalet where I teach classes

There were 31 entries in all and each one was stunning in its own right. The entries were displayed with numbers and everyone voted for their favourite by secret ballot. We had a great time trying to guess who made what!

Lee Anne, one of my mystery block of the month class "chicks"

Sharon, another fabulous block of the month class "chick"
I was thrilled to win first prize with my original design based on a 19th C Art Nouveau tapestry. My entry was hand appliquéd and machine stitched.

So proud!

Second prize went to Linda, who is an accomplished hand quilter. Her entry was hand appliquéd and beautifully hand quilted.

Linda and her lovely quilt

Everyone had a great time with this challenge and we've already got about twice as many participants signed up for next year's challenge.
Have a wonderful summer ladies!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, some beautiful little quilts there. This sounds like an interesting challenge. Love how there was so much variety.
